1500 Points of Death Company

As part of #4feldherren I committed to 1000 points of Blood Angels. Well that’s going to get turned into an army and for that I’d like 1500 points. So I’m making a little adjustment to my 1000 points.

Roughly 1000 points in:

143pts - HQ - Astorath
117pts - HQ - Captain with Jump Pack and Thunderhammer
239pts - Elite - 10 Marine Death Company with jump packs, power weapons, flamers, and inferno pistol.
239pts - Elite - 10 Marine Death Company with jump packs, power weapons, flamers, and inferno pistol.
239pts - Elite - 10 Marine Death Company with jump packs, power weapons, flamers, and inferno pistol.

That’ll be what I try to paint for #4feldherren. On top of that I’m going to add an extra 500pts(ish):

164pts - Elites - Death Company Dreadnought
358pts - Flyer - Stormraven Gunship

It’s quite like Mike’s list but I want it to be entirely Death Company. I’m going to be spending the 1CP from it being a Vanguard Detachment to give the Captain the Black Rage. I’ll also be picking up the Death Company Rhino doors to use on the Stormraven and painting it Black.

My tactic is going to be the polar opposite of my Ultramarines. I’ll be throwing lots of guys into close combat and hoping it goes well. It shares a couple of things with my Ultramarines, it’s starting as a Vanguard detachment, and is composed of 3 elite units of 10 marines. It’s almost like elite forces.