.NET Core (2.0) Travis Setup

It took me about 2 hours but this is what you need to put in your .travis.yml

language: csharp
solution: dot-net-core-on-linux.sln
mono: none
dotnet: 2.1.4

 - dotnet restore

 - dotnet build
 - dotnet test HelloWorld.Tests/HelloWorld.Tests.csproj

Why is this this good?

Well you don’t need build.sh to set the permissions on. That was the first issue. You don’t install mono at all which speeds this up no end. Honestly I was testing this with a Hello World application and it was taking 3min to fail which is shite. Without mono it’s 90 seconds which is still terrible but I guess you get what you pay for.

Obviously you change for your version of dotnet and your solution/test names. Maybe you tweak it for the build process but honestly I’m not your dad.