2025 Aims

The idea of Time Compression in memory really hit this year. It feels like yesterday when I wrote my 2024 post. Work was really busy and full of changes. We lost Iolo. Had some nice breaks. We got Enzo. Lots of stuff but it’s all just flown by in a blur.

So how did I do against last years goals?

  1. Painting. Didn’t achieve the specific projects listed but I painted loads of models. ✅
  2. Reading. Just shy of the 25 target (as measured by blog posts). I read the odd thing that I didn’t post about which would probably tick me over the target. Very pleased with how I did there. ✅
  3. Health? Stuffed it. When things got busy this one went out the window. ❌
  4. Music practice. A mixed bunch. I have practised regularly but mostly the same stuff over and over. 🤷

A tad over 50% which isn’t bad. 2025 goals will be similar:

  1. Health. Don’t let being busy and tired be an excuse to avoid making the right decisions.
  2. Keep reading. Listen to audiobooks when on walks for the above.
  3. Keep painting. Don’t worry about perfection or being a hobby butterfly. Just keep going.
  4. Finish learning Eugene’s Trick Bag.
  5. Keep watching films. I did a really good job watching a film a week (on average) in 2024. I really enjoyed expanding my filmic diet as well as ticking off big classics that had passed me by. I am on Letterboxd and I post the odd pithy review.

We don’t let this slip, we go again.