Book Review: Why Can't I Just Enjoy Things?: A Comedian's Guide to Autism

Reader, I did not in fact finish Mark Urban’s book on the paratroopers. Instead I was recommended this book by Pierre Novellie which I devoured almost instantly.

Somehow I’d not come across Pierre despite him being exactly my jam and moving in the same circles as other comedians I enjoy. He’s just published this book on his experience with his Autism (ASD). It’s not just his experiences but also a history of the condition, where Asperger Syndrome went, a thoughtful examination of how the nomenclature affects and might affect people with ASD, and the ethics of classifying how “functioning” a person is.

The meat of the book describes aspects of Pierre’s life that are affected by ASD, and how those aspects differ from the neurotypical majority. These provide enlightenment to those without knowledge or experience and enormous moments of “ah ha! This is describing me” to those with.

It’s superbly written to be both educational and hilarious. If you’re a fan of David Mitchell’s style then you’ll love this and if you’ve not seen any of Pierre’s stand-up you’ll likely enjoy that too. Since finishing the book I’ve started listening to Pierre and Phil Wang’s podcast (BudPod) to get more of the vibe.

My only criticism is with the cover. I haven’t included it here so you might experience is for the first time now. What is going on with the hue and saturation? Without the text I fear it could be book on stoicism for tech bros.

Of all the books I’ve read so far in 2024 I’d recommend this one first.