
I like trains. I like the look of trains. I like the sound of trains. I like travelling on trains. I sometimes want to build my own railway network. So I obviously like games about trains. Therefore I own Ticket To Ride and have played it a fair bit. If you’re not familiar with Ticket To Ride, it’s a board game based on collecting sets of cards which you use to build a rail network across the USA. It’s quite fun. But recently I picked up a new game about trains. It’s called Trains.

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The end of March is drawing near and it has been pretty disappointing, I’ve not managed to get in any hobbying at all. I have however managed to read the bulk of the Dark Angels Codex and about half of the Daemons read. Those are quite good, I can see how the Daemons will compliment the Chaos Space Marines using the 6th edition ally system. I’m not sure that I would want to build/play a Dark Angels army but the fluff is good and man the art in it is pretty.

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