Using Todoist

About a month ago Niklas from the Sixgun Discord sent me an invite to this service called Todist. Little did I know how much I needed it!

Imagine a Project Tracking system like Jira but designed for life as well as being not terrible. You can make tasks, assign them to people[0], give a deadline, add some comments, and put them in projects. Pretty simple CRUD right? Well yes but the execution is where the magic is.

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An Actual Smart Thermometer

We’ve recently moved to a house rather than a flat[0]. I’ve noticed that adjusting radiators to get equal temperatures in various rooms is an art not a science. I know the Nest exists but it’s not smart enough. Here’s what I want:

Firstly just ditch the cloud. The small use case of turning your boiler on/off remotely are vastly outweighed by the internet of shit.

Our thermostat is positioned in the hall which has no radiator so there’s quite a delayed response. The front door is very close to the thermostat which is going to effect the reading. I’d like thermometers in every room so counteract this. Little device just pinging temperatures would be pretty low power so could conceivably be battery powered.

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1500 Points of Death Company

As part of #4feldherren I committed to 1000 points of Blood Angels. Well that’s going to get turned into an army and for that I’d like 1500 points. So I’m making a little adjustment to my 1000 points.

Roughly 1000 points in:

143pts - HQ - Astorath
117pts - HQ - Captain with Jump Pack and Thunderhammer
239pts - Elite - 10 Marine Death Company with jump packs, power weapons, flamers, and inferno pistol.
239pts - Elite - 10 Marine Death Company with jump packs, power weapons, flamers, and inferno pistol.
239pts - Elite - 10 Marine Death Company with jump packs, power weapons, flamers, and inferno pistol.

That’ll be what I try to paint for #4feldherren. On top of that I’m going to add an extra 500pts(ish):

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.NET Core (2.0) Travis Setup

It took me about 2 hours but this is what you need to put in your .travis.yml

language: csharp
solution: dot-net-core-on-linux.sln
mono: none
dotnet: 2.1.4

 - dotnet restore

 - dotnet build
 - dotnet test HelloWorld.Tests/HelloWorld.Tests.csproj

Why is this this good?

Well you don’t need to set the permissions on. That was the first issue. You don’t install mono at all which speeds this up no end. Honestly I was testing this with a Hello World application and it was taking 3min to fail which is shite. Without mono it’s 90 seconds which is still terrible but I guess you get what you pay for.

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Pixel C in a Post 2 World

As it tradition here, I write about the latest expensive big of Google kit I’ve bought. As we know I bought the Pixel C so fill the gap betwixt phone and computer. At the end of last year I bought the Pixel 2 to replace my One Plus X.

How are the two playing ball? Well it’s not good for the Pixel C. I barely ever use it. The last two times I found it useful we’re at EVE Manchester where it provided the music for the event (but that was just Spotify and it was useful because it meant I could have my phone on me) and when my better half wants to watch TV while I’m podcasting (the flat is small ok).

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GOTY 1993-2017

Superuser on the Discord has requested I participate in this meme/chain letter. Superuser’s is here. The idea is that you pick the Game of the Year for every year you’ve been around.

Mine are as follows:

1993: Probably crying
1994: Same as last year
1995: Sand pit
1996: Drawing things
1997: Still probably drawing things
1998: Pretty sure I was building stuff using Lego
1999: Jane’s USAF (games were discovered in 1999)
2000: The Sims
2001: Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game (Dave discovers miniatures)
2002: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
2003: Need for Speed: Underground
2004: The Sims 2
2005: Civilization IV
2006: Half Life 2: Episode One
2007: Team Fortress 2
2008: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
2009: Assassin’s Creed II
2010: Civilization V
2011: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
2012: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition
2013: Grand Theft Auto V
2014: Mario Kart 8
2015: Rocket League
2016: Stardew Valley
2017: Warhammer 40k 8th Edition

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It’s like Scythe but older and better.

Viticulture came out in 2013 and it was developed by Stonemaier Games. That’s the same company behind the hit diesel punk game Scythe! Viticulture sees you being in charge of a vineyard in Italy as you try to amass 20 abstract victory points.

You’re going to be planting vines, harvesting grapes, and turning them into a variety of wines. You’re going to be upgrading your vineyard too; adding a tasting room to increase the effectiveness of the tours you give to visitors, building a yoke, or irrigating your fields.

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Fire TV Stick

I bought a Fire TV Stick. Despite the adverts featuring one Jeremy Clarkson (if Amazon could stop marketing towards centrist dads that’d be amazing).

Why though? Well we’ve been using the Xbox One as the media center/hub/platform for ages now. I bought the Xbone with my first real pay cheque back in 2015 but I’ve not played games on it for months! I don’t have the time to play games on it and any time I do have would be better spent painting Warhammer[0].

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Warhammer 40K 8th Edition GOTY 2017

I guess I’m being contrarian this year by picking the latest incarnation of 40K to be my Game of the Year. Especially as the only people who seem to take GOTY seriously are video games people.

2017 has been a big year for 40K. The game has changed a lot. 6th edition was probably the upper limit for complexity that I was willing to bother with. By many accounts 7th was more faff that it’s worth. 8th has really simplified things to a point where I think I actually understand the game I’m playing. Even if charging and the fight phase remain a big foggy[0].

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The End of Netrunner

Well at least for me[0].

February 2014 to September 2015 was maybe the best time I’ve had with board games. I’d picked up the Netrunner core set in July 2013 but bounced off it. My pals and I just couldn’t grasp the rules like we did with Magic. Over Christmas 2013 I finally grokked it and as a house we got into Netrunner big time.

We played a lot of Netrunner. Netrunner in the kitchen, the game store, and the pub. We forged our own meta as we explored new Datapacks. I read the novels, listened to the podcasts, and wrote words about it here[1]. I posted my decklists on GitHub. We went to tournaments and we taught it to everyone who’d listen.

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